The Special Occupancy Unit consists of several units responsible for the routinely scheduled inspections of various types of occupancies in the City of Boston including:
the quarterly inspections of hotels, hospitals, and theaters;
the annual inspections of correctional facilities, adult day care centers, group homes, dormitories, clinics and private trade schools;
Oversees the quarterly inspections of all schools and daycares.
There are several other functions performed by this unit:
The issuance of Place of Assembly permits, whether for short term events or for an establishment.
The implementation and enforcement of the recently adopted city ordinance regarding the requirements for the cleaning of commercial cooking hood and ventilation systems.
The Night Inspectors also make routine inspections of bars, clubs and restaurants.
Night Club Inspectors
Hotel Inspectors
School Inspectors
Hospital Inspectors
Dormitory Inspectors
Phone: 617-343-2022
Fax: 617-343-2197
Just to get you there a little faster
Quick Links below:
The Massachusetts Firefighting Academy is offering a Nightclub Fire Safety Program
designed to deliver an overview of nightclub fire safety laws and regulations for fire and building officials, as well as all owners and managers. Please read for more information
Summertime & BBQ Safety Tips from Boston Fire
Think "safety first" when planning your summer activities and barbecues. Boston Fire has some helpful summer safety tips available and reminds residents of important summertime regulations in the City.
Leave the Fireworks to the Professionals
Summary of Massachusetts Fireworks Law MGL Chapter 148, S. 39
New Air Pressurized Standpipe Requirements
In the City of Boston during constuction or demolition in high rise buildings (70 feet or higher) an air pressurized standpipe is required to be in place in the building. The effective date for this requirement in Boston is on all construction applications received from August 15, 2015 on. Please read the documents below for more information.
Hazardous Material Process or Processing
Read below for all information required to be in compliance when processessing hazardous materials as defined under 527 CMR 1.00 c 60.
A new Comprehensive Model Fire Code (527 CMR 1.00) has been adopted by the Division of Fire Services and the State Fire Marshal's Office effective January 1, 2015 replacing the current 527 CMR.
The new code adopts, in large part, the National Fire Prevention Association’s (NFPA) Model Fire Code (NFPA-1- 2012 Edition), with Massachusetts amendments. The new code should result in an improved, more comprehensive fire safety code, using consensus standards recognized throughout the nation. This new code will replace the current 527 CMR. More information can be obtained by visiting the Department of Fire Services website.
New Ordinance Enacted in Boston
Regulating the use and sale of outdoor cooking appliances, outdoor patio and space heaters, outdoor decorative appliances, and outdoor fireplaces. On July 30, 2014 the Boston City Council amended the Boston Fire Prevention Code by passing Article XXXIII of the Boston Fire Prevention Code.
Candle Usage Guidelines, Definitions and Application for Candle Usage in a Place of Assembly
Read the new Candle Guidelines that are in effect October 1, 2012. The Boston Fire Department requires that the use of candles in a Place of Assembly be permitted as defined in the attached document.
Candle Usage Guidelines, Definitions and Application for Candle Usage in a Place of Assembly
Effective April 1, 2014 Boston has a Revised Upholstered Furniture, Molding Seating and Re-upholstered Furniture Policy
Effective April 1, 2014 the Boston Fire Department shall modify its upholstered seating regulations to more closely align with the current state regulations: 527 CMR 1.00 c 12, "Upholstered Furniture, Molded Seating and Re-upholstered Furniture. This change will effectively reduce the number of regulated use groups in the City of Boston.
Although this modified policy closely follows the requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulations, there are still some notable exceptions that shall be strictly enforced. This policy is subject to modification at the discretion of the Boston Fire Marshal.
Important gas safety information for residents of Hyde Park from Eversource
Eversource delivers natural gas safely and reliably to customers in the neighborhood of Hyde Park. We ask those residents especially to take a moment to review the following important gas safety information regarding pipeline operations and safety: