Beautification Grant Program
Any highly visible beautification or infrastructure project that will make a long-lasting or permanent impact to a neighborhood may be eligible. Approved projects receive grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 for improvements to neighborhood open spaces. Grants of $10,000 or more will require an equal match in funding. Funding matches must be documented and can include in-kind staff time and labor, either in part or in whole. Potential projects include:
Professional landscaping improvements/plantings with maintenance plan,
Tree planting, pruning, or removal,
New benches, murals, public art, walkways or fencing,
Restoration of murals, plaques, fencing, or masonry walls, and
Property cleanups including graffiti removal and waste removal costs.
All projects must be publicly and visually accessible from a public way and have appropriate permits and approvals from City agencies, including the Arts, Landmarks, or Historic District Commissions; Public Improvement Commission; Boston Water & Sewer Commission; Boston Transportation, Public Works, and/or Parks departments. The property owner (including City of Boston agencies) must approve the project. Support letters from the community and abutters are required.
Applicants must be a 501c3 not for profit organization, as determined by the IRS or the applicant must partner with such an organization. Community, open space, community garden, environment, civic, community development, and economic development groups are all encouraged to apply.
Applications must be received by Thursday November 15, 2012 at 5:00PM to the Boston Parks & Recreation Department office or submitted online.
Online Application
2013 Beautify Boston Application (PDF)
Boston Parks & Recreation Department
ATTN: Beautify Boston Grant Program
1010 Massachusetts Ave, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02118
Grant awards will be announced by the first week of January 2013. Grantees will receive 75% of the total upon grant award, and the final 25% upon proof of completion which will require receipts, photos and a site visit by Parks Department personnel.
Projects must be completed by December 31, 2013.
Additional questions or concerns may be emailed to: or you may call 617-635-4505.