Healthy Food & Drink
The Mayor's Office and the Boston Public Health Commission are committed to taking steps to improve the health of our local community. That includes increasing access to healthy food options at affordable prices. Vendors will be required to provide at least 1 healthy menu item and to participate in the "Rethink Your Drink" campaign as well.
BPHC Healthy Menu Guidelines
To participate in this program, food trucks must have at least one menu item that meets the following guidelines:
Meal does not include:
Fried food;
Trans fats;
High fructose corn syrup
Meal includes at least three of the following:
3/4 cup of fresh fruits or fruits packed in own juice with no sugar added;
3/4 cup of fresh or frozen vegetables with no salt added;
8 oz low fat dairy option such as yogurt;
Whole grains;
2 oz reduced-fat or lean cut of meat that are grilled, broiled, or baked
Rethink Your Drink Campaign
The Mayor's Office and the Boston Public Health Commission are working to help people make healthier choices easier and this healthy beverage campaign includes schools, community centers, and other city property. The City requires food vendors interested in vending on the public way to join the campaign.

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