MLK Day of Service (150)

MLK Day of Service

Celebrate MLK Day as a day ON, not a day off!

Monday, January 17th
9:30am-12:00pm OR 12:30pm-3:00pm 

Curley School
493 Centre St.
Jamaica Plain
T: Orange line to Stonybrook or #39 Bus (Corner of South Huntington & Centre St.)

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in the strength of community and the difference a diverse group people can make through service to address the challenges that impact our neighbors. 
On January 17, 2011, please join the City of Boston in partnership with Boston Cares for a day of service.  Celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a day of service that reflects the strength of community and the power of a diverse group of individuals making a difference in their community. 
The City of Boston/ Boston Cares MLK Service Day will provide a variety of service activities that will benefit various community organizations.  Volunteers can participate in a variety of activities ranging from making quilts for Room to Grow, designing valentines cards for seniors to making scarves for homeless shelters.
Different stations, different service activities, making a difference for many.  This is a family friendly event with two different service times to make serving flexible and fun.  Space is limited! 

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